Thursday, October 17, 2013


No caption is necessary.
This is not a story out of The Onion. Some branding person in Japan actually thought a cute name for brand/mascot would be (excuse me) "Fukuppy."

As if not bad enough, the company Fukushima Industry, just happens to have the same name as another company (unrelated except by the accident of name) to the disastrous operator of the nuclear power plant damaged by the 2010 earthquake and tsunami.

It's shocking to believe that the branding non-genius didn't consider the global (didn't even consider the Japanese) context. Fundamental PR concept: consider the world around you, not just yourself. You don't want to go down in branding history for a Fukuppy.

Here's the story as told at The Guardian.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

POST UPDATE, OCT 15: Co-branding opportunities in wearable technology

Angela Ahrendts, CEO of Burberry since 2006
Next year: Apple's head of retail.
Today Apple announced the hiring of Burberry's CEO, Angela Ahrendts to take over Apple's retail business next year. She will be the only woman among the company's 10-person executive. Already there's speculation that she's the next CEO-in-waiting for Apple: a real co-branding of fashion and technology in the wings?

brandchannel has also posted a feature speculating about the implications of Ahrendts' move to Apple.

Samsung Mobile's Galaxy Gear Smartwatch
developed with jewelry designer, Dana Lorenz.
Photo via Fast Company 

Fast Company and Interbrand's blog have both recently speculated about challenges facing device manufacturers as they directly enter the world of fashion with the new wearable technology.

Fast Company's Sarah Kessler wrote last month, at the time of New York Fashion Week, "Pretty colors can't erase criticism that Samsung's watch has no purpose, a clunky design, and an unwarranted high price tag. But it does go a long way in making it wearable."

Rob Meyerson, Director, Verbal Identity at Interbrand San Francisco, is reassured that the major players (Google, Nike, Apple) are approaching this as a co-branding challenge. Devices being wearable isn't enough: they've got to be desirably wearable.

Monday, October 14, 2013

Burson-Marsteller re-brands

Burson-Marsteller, fifth largest PR agency in worldwide revenue, had its new re-branding initiative profiled by Stuart Elliott in The New York Times today. Looks like a sensible, prudent move. In fact, one has to wonder why a traditional PR agency would not be making such a move given many pressures of global markets, technology change, and the reconfiguration of marketing services demands from clients that's now a decade old. Still, it's worth watching how B-M will handle it.

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Coke: losing fizz

John Miziolek, Presdient and CEO of Reset Branding, takes Coca-Cola to task in a Fast Company blog yesterday. Miziolek reflects on the reasons why Interbrand's brand value list for 2013 shows Coca-Cola slipping -- mostly, according to Miziolek, because Coke "has not done enough to change its strategy and revamp its product line" to be in sync with market shifts away from obesity-driving product and toward authentically healthful beverages. Coke is stuck, says Miziolek, in products and marketing that don't look forward. Of the new products and line extensions over the past five years, Miziolek writes,  "the geniuses at Coca-Cola simply reached out and grabbed  the newest way to secretly sell the public unhealthy sugar water!"

Friday, October 11, 2013

Q: What does the branding process cost? A: $29.00

DesignMantic's free sample
logo design for
CCNY's Branding +
Integrated Communications MPS 
DesignMantic has introduced a do-it-yourself design studio product that can provide you with a logo (and a business card design!) for as little as $29 (if you choose from the library) or up to $99 for "custom design" (you will be sent 5 custom logo design concepts with a 2 business day turnaround time.).

This kind of "clip art" approach to visual identity isn't new -- it's just easier with digital files and online commerce. We should, however, take it seriously -- the design and visual identity we offer clients needs to be a whole lot smarter / insightful / authentic.  Otherwise, why not just spend $29?

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Not a meltdown. A re-branding.

(Does this image need a caption?)
David Johnson, CEO at Strategic Vision, LLC, argued yesterday at that Miley Cyrus "is staging one of the most successful rebrandings in recent history. . . . . Yet for all the buzz about her new image and whether it is smart or not, what we are not hearing about or witnessing are stories like we have seen in the past about Lindsay Lohan and Britney Spears when their antics and behavior affected their brands. The reason is that with Cyrus, we are seeing a well crafted and executed rebranding strategy and not behavior problems. She may be risque in her branding, but she isn't damaged goods."

AdWeek also picks up the theme with an article by John Tejada: "Miley: Textbook Case of the Inevitable Teen Star Rebrand."  Tejeda, however, does see a  gamble in Cyrus' (and her management's) strategy: ". . . brands that might have courted the younger Cyrus won't want to touch her now. . . . Unlike Taylor Swift, who can still reach young girls because of her relatively clean-cut persona, Cyrus is now speaking exclusively to an older demographic."

Luxury branding is for everyone

No, we can't all buy yachts and Maseratis. But we can learn something from luxury brand marketing. Always at the frontier, British luxury travel brands are asserting themselves in ad buys, tech partnerships, and real estate / retail expansions.

BrandChannel provides an update today, along with a clip of a new Burberry Travel Tailoring suit video which displays nice affect and images along with  graphic suggestion of product technical attributes. Even makes a London rain attractive.  And only $2000 for the suit.  But that's what luxury branding is always about -- great design, insouciance, the sense, the feeling that "Of course, it's worth it."

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

ARF Industry Leader Forum 2013

The Advertising Research Foundation Leadership Forum 2013 has as its theme, "Modeling for Growth: Mix it Up."

The conference promotion asks: "Do you know about 'bleeding edge' solutions that are expanding analytics for new consumer touchpoints?"  I'm not sure I'm totally comfortable with the mixing metaphors of consumer touchpoints with bleeding edges, but I do think the conference program looks relevant and intriguing for all of us interested in branding + integrated marketing.

You, too, brand professional, can be outsourced

India's Business Standard reported today that "Brands outsource ideation to India for their global campaigns."

"India is poised to become the outsourcing powerhouse for advertising," Devina Joshi reports from New Delhi. Her feature tells a familiar story to anyone who has observed how business processes and IT services have been outsourced to low-cost economies for the past generation.

The low-cost economy, assuming a reasonably state-of-the-art telco and web infrastructure and an employee based sufficiently prepared for training, gobbles up a large proportion of technology-enabled, repetitive, rule-governed functions. The classic cases have been IT services, such as data processing or systems integration, but also business services that require human involvement such as call centers, financial analysis, or even the reading of x-rays.

The Business Standard enthuses about how India-based ad firms are now serving wide Asian markets as well as occasionally European programs.  The article particularly notes Accenture Interactive -- following the classic global outsourcing paradigm -- which "has digital marketing and experienced design capabilities in the U.S. and Europe that collaborate with ad production and development centres in Costa Rica and India. The company's global clientele has reduced costs by 40 per cent through this model."

One has to consider the source (Business Standard), which may be predisposed to see a rosy future for the Indian ad services industry. But, on the other hand, we cannot be surprised if digital marketing, especially, won't follow the patterns of other data-driven, rule-governed business processes. And that means that low-cost centers will have an advantage in the global market -- and the global market is growing, disproportionately faster, in south and east Asia.

Brand builders in the post-Crash economy

David Karp, CEO and Founder
Photo: Platoon via New York Magazine

New York magazine has a special business report on "brand builders from the post-Lehman economy" (Web published September 29; newsstand October 7). The articles provide insights and anecdotes about how some of the relatively new, most successful brands have been managed to market prominence (and profit).

Lessons to be learned -- from Tumblr, Grumpy Cat, Chobani, Sahm Adrangi, One Kings Lane, Lending Club, Tough Mudder, Sofar Sounds, and Quirky.

Sunday, October 6, 2013

BtoB magazine will merge into Advertising Age

On October 1, BtoB announced that it will no longer publish as of January 2014. Crain Communications' president and Ad Age editor-in-chief, Rance Crain, said: B2B and consumer markets are increasingly usig similar tools and wrestling with the same challenges, so it just made sense to have a single marketing publication."  I imagine that Crain knows best about magazine publishing -- but I wonder about his premise more generally: Do brand managers at B2B organizations really do the same things, when they go to work in the morning, as do the B2C brand managers?

Apple passes Coke as most valuable brand

According to Interbrand's Best Global Brands 2013 report released last week, Apple is now the most valuable brand in the world.  Interbrand's annual ranking of global brands brings together market, brand, competitor, and financial data into a single framework. The methodology, which has been refined over the years, calculates a net present value of brand earnings based on Interbrand's collection of financial data, a demand analysis, and competitive analysis.  (See info about the methodology, here.)

Apple outpaces #2-ranked Google (Apple at $98.3 billion vs. Google at $93.3 billion).  But both of these front-running, tech/web companies far out-pace #3, Coca-Cola at $79.2 billion.  Of the five brands designated by Interbrand as "top risers," four are tech giants (Apple, Google, Amazon, and Facebook); Prada is the only non-tech brand cited as a "top riser."

Some background on Apple's rise to the top of the Interbrand ranking is provided at a Fortune blog on October 2nd: How Apple became the world's most valuable brand.

Particularly interesting for brand-geeks are the articles and interviews with a selection of chief brand officers that complement Interbrand's ranking and analyses.

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Who is Yayo?

There's a reason why BIC chose Yayo to design its very first poster to launch and commemorate our first year, first class, first leap into the academic fray. He's conceptual -- a deep thinker who tickles our funny bone. He's a pure talent. A keen observer of the world. A problem solver. Famous (in a funky obscure kinda way). Generous. An absolute delight. As we begin to think of WHO should design next year's poster (perhaps one of our newest BIC students?), let's pause to celebrate the artist who brought our "Enter curious.  Leave curious (but with credentials)" slogan to life with his whimsical caterpillar and butterfly illustration. 

Here's Yayo's bio. For a real treat, send me an email to request a PDF of a lovely compilation of this clever artist's take on the world (

Yayo is an illustrator with a passion for ideas. He always has something to say, through his unique poetic and humoristic approach. He’s also an award-winning cartoonist. When it comes to children’s books, he lots of experience illustrating for other authors, and is now trying to focus on writing and illustrating his own books.

His book “Chasseur d’arc en ciel”, (“Rainbow Hunter”), which he wrote and illustrated ,was nominated for the Governor General’s Award, the most prestigious literary award in Canada.  He was born in Mesitas del Colegio, Colombia, and has lived in Montréal for over 20 years.

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Is digital media simply too measurable for branding?

Yaakov Kimelfeld, Ph.D.
Chief Research Officer
Millward Brown Digital
Yaakov Kimelfeld, Chief Research Officer at Millward Brown Digital, has a challenging post today at Online Metrics Insider in which he asks (rhetorically) "Perhaps digital media is simply too measurable for branding?"

He argues that traditionally we have thought of branding as "the promise of greater rewards to come" -- not as a distinct, identifiable moment in a transaction (which he sees as the direct response perspective of what digital advertising is good for).

Kimelfeld writes, "brand awareness and favourability have become key indicators of success largely because of the measurement gap between exposure to advertising and actual sales. . . . [but] The distinction between 'direct response' and 'branding' campaigns is purely the time it takes ton convert: shorter for the former, longer for the latter. It is a continuum, not a dichotomy."

Kimelfeld answers his own question: is digital media too measurable for branding?  No. But "traditionally minded advertisers may not yet be ready."

Monday, August 26, 2013

Great design = getting people to do what you want

Seth Godin
Entrepreneur, columnist, book author, and blogger, Seth Godin, has recently posted "Great design = getting people to do what you want" at which he firmly restates the concept (in his own way) that design has Objectives ("What do you want the user to do?")

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Interbrand reports on global trends in CSR

Interbrand has posted about its recent Corporate Citizenship Summit in New York City earlier this summer as well as about news relating to what they see as a trend toward a global acceptance of corporate social responsibility standards. See their post, here.

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Summer 2013 Marcom News: the Data Haves and Have Nots

Following events in the ad / PR world at the end of July 2013 has been exciting and enlightening. And a bit disconcerting for anyone concerned, at least in the short term, about the viability of smaller marcom enterprises, especially including non-profit and advocacy organizations. The emerging marcom digital divide is growing wider than ever. Big data favors big enterprise. And creativity and human insight seem increasingly like a quaint cottage industry.

2013 Summer Story Line Number 1: The Promise of Big Data. From the earliest public reports of the expected combination of Publicis and the Omnicom Group (POG), such as in The New York Times, July 27th report, there has been the acknowledgement that the creation of POG is not entirely about traditionally understood advertising services. The Times’ Tanzina Vega noted on July 27th, “. . . antitrust concerns could be eased if the new company positions itself less as a conglomerate of ad agencies and more of a data company competing with businesses like I.B.M. and Facebook . . .” That same message is clear in AdAge’s August 4th post by Abbey Klaasen, in which she writes “Ninety percent of the world’s data have been generated in the past two years . . . And increasingly those data are generated by digital interactions tracked for the primary, if not sole, purpose of selling goods or services. This data-intensive world has ushered in competitors that aren’t ad agencies but giant technology and consulting firms, like IBM, Oracle and Accenture.”

From this perspective, POG isn’t at all about your grandfather’s advertising. It’s about the brave new world of data that monitors and algorithms that reveal patterns – for the organizations big enough, resourced enough to derive benefit. (Of course, all this is being reported against the wider background news about the travails of Edward Snowden and the media-hyped reportage and speculation about what the National Security Agency may know – or not know – about us all.)

2013 Summer Story Line Number 2: Small is Beautiful (and, Hopefully, Still Relevant). One reaction to the POG announcement has come loud-and-clear from the “smaller” ad and PR agencies. On the advertising side we’ve had Dan Wieden, co-founder of Wieden & Kennedy, speaking on at the AdAge 2013 fourth annual Small Agency Conference, saying that “the ad giants are ‘wobbling like drunkards’ and called for indie shops to sharpen their swords.” Wieden’s speech has been widely discussed and picked up, such as in Will Burns’ July 30th post.

On the public relations side, Art Stevens, managing partner at Stevens Gould Pincus, wrote on July 28th at about his conviction that the “smaller, more nimble agencies” will be the beneficiary of clients’ distrust of the new marcom “behemoth.” However, the PR, response reveals more than a little consternation. The Holmes Report’s July 30th post by Aarti Shah raises the question, “Is PR an “Afterthought”? And even Stevens’ optimistic view of the opportunity for non-behemoth PR firms has a telling comment: Stevens asks “. . . will they [clients] be happier with smaller agencies with worldwide capabilities?” And just how many “smaller” PR agencies really have worldwide capabilities?

2013 Summer Story Line Number 3: The End of Measurement; The Emergence of Insight. Simultaneous with the global turmoil (and relish) over POG, Katie Paine made the official announcement that she was leaving News Group International in a July 26th post of The Measurement Standard. In Paine’s more personal insight provided at her personal blog, KDPaine’s PR Measurement Blog, on July 29th, she presented a context for her departure from News Group International as an indicator of a broader trend in PR/media research: “When I started in the industry there was me and a couple of other people talking about PR measurement. Now there are some 350 companies providing some form of social or traditional media analysis. We used to think that just having data was enough. Now we have more data any anyone knows what to do with.”

I cannot foresee better than anyone else (and lots of anyones are writing about it) how the POG merger will shake out. But it seems clear to me that the implications – the inevitability – of dealing with data about transactions and communications surrounding transactions is the core challenge for the future of marcom services. Like POG or not. The argument for small agencies is attractive (like the American small family farm?) – but when clients are monitoring response to alternative creative executions, in real time, and changing media buys immediately for maximum return, it suggests different definitions of “nimble.” Katie Paine’s experience is revealing: in many ways, she’s won the battle – her corner of the industry has accepted the premise that she fought for, and the bigger data, technology companies have gobbled up the business.

The emergent digital divide in marcom services is technological and financial and social. Dan Wieden and Katie Paine are still going to do OK; because of their long-established personal credentials, they will still be sought after by deeper-pocketed clients to plan and guide marcom initiatives. But what are the options for small enterprises (clients) and truly small marcom businesses – that don’t today have either the big data clout of POG or IBM or the guru status of Wieden and Paine?

The emerging divide in marcom services has always been implicit in the industry, but it is starker than ever. It is between the would-be-decision-makers who have evidence (methodically sound, according to state-of-the-art capabilities) versus the would-be-decision-makers who are still stuck flying by the seat of their pants. Smaller marcom businesses – and, much more importantly for the economy and the country-- smaller enterprises and non-profit organizations, are a long way from benefiting from the promise of big data.

With so much information that can now be had – the gap between the data Haves and Have Nots may well be the defining factor, and marcom battleground, for the foreseeable future.

This post also appeared on
August 6, 2013
and at the author's
personal blog.

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Introducing the BIC class of 2015: Desmond Maxwell

Desmond Maxwell
CCNY Media &
Communication Arts,
Branding + Integrated
MPS Class of 2015

Desmond Maxwell today is an entrepreneur helping developing and start-up companies implement digital, integrated marketing programs. He previously worked in interactive marketing and multi-platfform ad programs at AT&T Interactive and VIACOM.

Before coming over to the marketing side, Mr. Maxwell had experience in media with WFAN-AM and CBS in ad sales and promotions.

Mr. Maxwell is a veteran of the U.S. Marine Corps, and a B.A. alum of CCNY in English. (Which was tougher?)

Introducing Desmond Maxwell via the Proust Questionnaire:

What is your present state of mind?
My mind is in the moment.

What's your main fault?
Not always living in the moment.

What is the natural talent that you'd like to be gifted with?
A drive off the tee with Tiger Woods.

Who is your favorite prose author?

Who is your favorite poet?

Who is your hero in real life?
Muhammad Ali.

Who are your favorite heroes in real life?
Single mothers.

What's your favorite virtue?

What do you hate most?

What you appreciate the most in your friends?

What's your favorite occupation?
Swimming with the sharks.

What is your favorite motto?
Sapere Aude.  ["Dare to be wise."  See: ]

How would you wish to die?
With honor

What's your idea of happiness?
Laughing with my children.

Monday, July 8, 2013

Whither content marketing -- or how the latest battle between advertising and public relations is remaking how we all think about institutional communications

Advertising and PR agencies are just fated to fight each other, continually, for “territory” (a.k.a. clients’ money — a.k.a. a credible, exclusive claim to a communications tactic, channel, or technology). The battleground of the moment is, of course, content marketing (a.k.a. branded content, a.k.a. native advertising, etc.)

Such a plethora of a.k.a.’s suggests something inconclusive is in the works.

The Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB) announced June 6th that a little definition is in order. Susan Borst, IAB’s Director of Industry Initiatives, blogged about IAB’s new Native Advertising Task Force (over 50 member companies and over 60 individual participants) with its aim “to establish a framework for the native advertising space by putting forth a prospectus that clearly lays out today’s ‘native’ landscape.” And, IAB also kicked off a Content Marketing Task Force (with 25+ member companies and about the same number of individual participants). (Ad Week picked up on the ironies of IAB’s attempts “to bring some clarity to the Babel-like confusion” by noting that “it’s unclear if the latter [Content Marketing Task Force] is a cousin to or umbrella of the first [Native Advertising Task Force].” Cousin — umbrella — we can’t even get our metaphors on the same page.

By the way — no PR firms on either IAB task force.

IAB obviously hadn’t read Forrester Research’s Laura Ramos’ blog from May 6th: “The Role of PR in Content Marketing and Thought Leadership.” Ramos calls out the argument for PR to lead the content marketing charge: “. . . the advantages of PR to stimulate conversation, engage in two-way interactions, and develop interesting story lines that involve the intended audience are a natural fit for creating great marketing in this new digital world.” Ramos gives kudos to Richard Edelman’s evolving stance, most recently sketched out in his April 30th 6 A.M. blog post, “The New Look of Public Relations — A Dissenting View.” in which he discusses his agency’s intent to “expand the remit of the public relations business . . . to take full advantage of the inherent advantages of PR, which are credibility, speed, two-way interaction and continuous story creation.”

Edelman had set many PR people buzzing (some grumbling) earlier, back on January 7th, with his 6 A.M. blog post, “Paid Media — A Change of Heart,” in which he gingerly, but “unafraid,” embraced the brave new world of paid content: “I can assure you that Edelman will be at the bleeding edge of aiming for the right thing, unafraid of the wrong thing.” (The “right thing” he refers to there, that he is edge-bleeding towards, is “‘own-able’ insight” that is to be “co-produce[d] content with media companies.”) (PRNewser’s report made this sound a bit like going over to the Dark Side: “Edelman Switches Sides, Joins the ‘Paid Content’ Team.”)

Presumably, all this doesn’t mean PR is going the way of Buzzfeed. (Does it?) In the meantime, however, you’ll find the PR trades, the tip sheets, the boot camps and webinars are now providing non-stop, fully confident advice about how surely PR people can succeed wtth content marketing (I guess PR is ahead of the IAB after all, since advertising is only at the point of forming task forces?).

This is the point at which the blogger (wisely, humbly) must write, “Time will tell.” But a last reflection: this current battle between advertising and PR for ownership of content marketing is coalescing as a stand-off between Money/Scale vs. Righteousness (the much greater resources and infrastructure of advertising vs. the moral/authenticity claim of public relations). Was it ever so? Or is there some hint at a synthesis of a new institutional communications function that both demonstrably works and can have sustainable integrity?

This post also appeared on,
July 8, 2013
and on the author's personal blog

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Introducing the BIC Class of 2015: Amber Jackson

Amber Jackson
CCNY Media &
Communications Arts,
Branding + Integrated
MPS Class of 2015

Amber Jackson joins BIC after participating in the Interpublic Group's two-year associate program (which includes six-month rotations at different agencies). She has had experience at MRM and Hill Holliday working on MasterCard, Prezista, and Canagliflozin accounts.

While earning her Bachelor's degree from the University of Kansas in Journalism and Strategic Communications, Ms. Jackson also got experience working as a brand advocate for Victoria's Secret PINK and as an entertainment marketing intern for the Starlight Theatre in Kansas City.

Introducing Amber Jackson via the Proust Questionnaire:

What is your current state of mind?
Relaxed, reflective, positive, happy.

What is your greatest extravagance?
Manis and pedis every two weeks.

What is your greatest fear?

What is the trait you most deplore in yourself?

What is the trait you most deplore in others?

What is the quality you most like in a man?

What is the quality you most like in a woman?
The ability to not take herself too seriously.

What do you most value in your friends?
I love my friends for their brutal honesty, sincerity, and sense of humor.

What is your greatest regret?
I have none. Everything happens for a reason.

What is your idea of perfect happiness?
To love and be loved. To learn and be challenged every day.

What is your motto?
Be fearless.

Sunday, June 30, 2013

Introducing the BIC Class of 2015: Noah Ahmed Fouad

Noah Ahmed Fouad
CCNY Media &
Communication Arts,
Branding + Integrated
MPS Class of 2015

Noah Ahmed Fouad earned her Bachelor's degree Business Administration from Cairo University and worked there on assignments from KPMG and Baker & Mackenzie.  Then, in 2009 she moved to New York City to work at the United Nations.

At the U.N. she participated in a new digital publishing project in an attempt to give new momentum to the U.N. greening achievements, then joined the United Nations Department of Public Information.

Introducing Noah Ahmed Fouad via the Proust Questionnaire:

What’s your present state of mind?
The globalized sense of political humor.

What’s your favorite color?
White, red and black.

Where would you like to live?
Cairo. New York. And Bali.

What is your favorite occupation?
Political sarcasm shows/posts.

What do you appreciate the most in your friends?
Dedication and reliability.

What’s your main fault?
Rushing! Now I count to 100 before I am fed up! LOL

What’s your favorite virtue?

What is your greatest fear?
To have any fear!

What is your idea of happiness?
Ability to smile regardless!

What’s your favorite motto?
"It’s lack of faith that makes people afraid of meeting challenges. I believed in myself." (Muhammad Ali)

Introducing the BIC Class of 2015: Diana Friedman

Diana Friedman
CCNY Media &
Communication Arts,
Branding * Integrated
MPS Class of 2015

Diana Friedman is the Associate Director of Communications at The New York Academy of Sciences. where she is responsible for developing science and public policy content across several platforms for scientists, policy makers, business people, and the general public.

She had earned an undergraduate degree in English from Boston College and previously worked for several years in magazine publishing.

Introducing Diana Friedman via the Proust Questionnaire:

What's your favorite color?
Yellow--the happiest color. 

What's your favorite food and drink?
Cheese. Dark n' stormies. Also, Mexican food, rainbow cookies, bagels, amaretto (this list could go on forever...).

What's the natural talent you'd like to be gifted with?
One I definitely do not possess--the ability to sing, or even carry a tune.

What you appreciate the most in your friends?
Kindness, loyalty, humor.

What's your idea of misery?
Feeling powerless/stuck.

What's the fault for which I have the most toleration?
Most of them, because I can identify with them!

What's your idea of happiness?
Spending time with loved ones; being in, on, or near the water; sharing a laugh.

What's your favorite motto?
From my Dad: Don't sweat the small stuff.

Introducing the BIC Class of 2015: Batikan Aslan

Batikan Aslan
CCNY Media &
Communication Arts,
Branding + Integrated
MPS Class of 2015

Batikan Aslan earned a degree in Business Administration from Yeditepe University in Istanbul -- along the way with becoming a professional ballet and Latin American dancer, instructor, and dance school manager.

But recently -- a bit more sedate -- Mr. Aslan is working with Coty Prestige (fragrances) developing brand videos for a number of luxury fashion brands.

Introducing Batikan Aslan via the Proust Questionnaire:

What is your favorite color?

Where would you like to live?
Somewhere near the sea, a quiet place where I feel I am alive!

Your favorite qualities in a man/woman?
Elegance and politeness.

What is your favorite occupation?
Dancing every time, everywhere

What is your favorite virtue?

What do you appreciate the most in your friends?
To know how to overcome problems and never loose the tolerance towards each other.

What is the trait you most deplore in yourself?
I am a true day dreamer.

What is your greatest fear?
Darkness and sharks.

What is your idea of happiness?
Remember that tomorrow comes with new things.

How I wish to die?
While I am dreaming.

If you could choose what to come back as, what would it be?
From my childhood it is always the same: " I would be able to fly"

Introducing the BIC Faculty: Belle Frank

Belle Frank
BIC Advertising Track
(Day Job:
Executive Vice President,
Director of Strategy &
Applied Research,
Young & Rubicam)

Belle Frank will set the BIC students off on the right path -- as she will teach one of the first courses for all students.

At Y&R, Ms. Frank directs communications strategies across most of the agency's clients, oversees pharmaceutical communications programs for Pfizer, and manages the Brand Planning Department.

Introducing Belle Frank via the Proust Questionnaire:

What is your current state of mind?

Pretty Zen, trying to breathe deeply, lots to do.

What or who is the greatest love of your life?

James A. Frank, my husband of 35 years.

What is the trait you most deplore in yourself?

Worrying, especially when I can’t fix things.

Which words or phrases do you most overuse?

Well if I were the queen and I had to decide by myself this is what I would do.

If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?

I would like to have a better poker face when I disagree with someone.

If you were to die and come back as a person or thing, what do you think it would be?

A psychologist

What is the trait you most deplore in others?

Arrogance. I hate snobs.

When and where were you happiest?

I’m pretty much the same happy all the time.

What do you consider your greatest achievement?
My marriage, my children, my career and my book. You can have it all, just maybe not all at the same time.

What is your most treasured possession?
My mother-in-law’s diamond ring.

What is your favorite occupation?

Teaching someone to solve a problem.

What is your most marked characteristic?


What is it that you most dislike?

Sitting still

What is your greatest fear?

That the next generation will struggle in a future world with something I haven’t prepared them for.

How would you like to die?

I wouldn’t. Too much to see.

What is your idea of perfect happiness?

Laughing with the people I love most, my husband and my grown children and their loved ones. In the ocean.

What is your motto?

That’s an empirical question, we can find out.

Introducing the BIC Class of 2015: Alexandra Suazo

Alex Suazo
CCNY Media &
Communications Arts,
Branding + Integrated
MPS class of 2015

Alex Suazo is currently a Senior Digital Analyst at Fairway Markets working directly with the CIO on development of social and mobile platforms for marketing and customer communications.

She has previously had social/digital development consulting assignments with a number of retail operations as well as with the Girl Scouts and the Westchester Literacy Volunteers.

Ms. Suazo is an undergrad alum of CCNY Media & Communications Arts (and after that -- she's come back!)

Introducing Alex Suazo via the Proust Questionnaire:

What's your favorite color and flower?
I like many different colors! It really depends on the day. On the other hand, there's only one flower I love, the rose.

What's your favorite food and drink?
Mexican food is definitely near the top of the list, and diet coke is my favorite drink.

Where would you like to live?
I love my home in New York, but I want to live and experience the world one country at a time.

What is your most marked characteristic?
My bright and fun personality. I've been told it's positively infectious!

Who are your heroes in real life?
My mom. 

What do you hate the most?
Rude, unpleasant people.

What's your idea of happiness?
Many things make me happy, as I'm mostly always happy! Some of my more favorite happy moments include laughing, spending time with my family, eating a great meal, relaxing atop my comfy couch, traveling somewhere new, making someone happy. 

What is the trait you most deplore in yourself? 
I can be very impatient and overly ambitious. I want to do a lot and help a lot. I also always feel bad for people,  even those that people don't normally feel bad for - can we call it "extreme empathy"?  

What is your greatest fear?
Losing my small family I have, and not having lived my life to the fullest. 

What's your favorite motto?
Everything happens for a reason.